Organized 1886
Stony Creek Fife & Drum Corps
Organized 1886
Stony Creek Fife & Drum Corps
Become a member of our corps!
Members can join one of several music sections: fife, snare drum and bass drum, or non-musical color guard, drum major, or, if available a position unique to the SCDC such as Uncle Sam or Daniel Boone. Prior musical experience is not necessary, although helpful. To gain marching experience and allow immediate participation with the Corps, new members can begin with the color guard while learning a musical instrument.
Free instruction is offered on the fife, snare drum and bass drum. Student fifes are provided as well as practice drum pads. Instruction is also provided for color guard and drum major positions. Playing members are accepted into their chosen section upon learning the Corps Basic 15 tunes and completing a successful competency test on their chosen instrument.
The SCDC does not impose membership fees to join, but a probationary period of 1 year is required. Following the customary probationary period, individuals in good standing are then voted in as permanent members.
The SCDC plays rope-strung drums and 6-hole wooden fifes. The Corps has a repertoire of approximately 150 musical pieces featuring Celtic, bluegrass, traditional, holiday and patriotic tunes as well as performance medleys and signature Stony Creek Fife & Drum Corps’ musical pieces.
The Stony Creek Fife & Drum Corps (SCDC) was founded in 1886 in the village of Stony Creek, CT. The Corps is an all-male organization with 30 active members ranging in age from 10 years old and up. The Corps is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and one of the founding members of the Company of Fifers and Drummers.
The Corps rehearses every Thursday night from 7:30 to 10:00 PM. On the 3rd Thursday of the month, the Corps holds its monthly business meeting and at an annual meeting in April, the Corps elects officers for the coming year. In addition to elected Corps’ officers, members are encouraged to participate in various committees such as music, equipment, uniform, building, etc.
The Stony Creek Fife & Drum Corps is very active performing in as many as 30 parades and events annually, typically beginning in March with St. Patrick’s Day and continuing through early December with holiday parades and concerts.
The Corps also participates in several fife and drum corps musters; a formal gathering with other fife and drums corps often held over a weekend. Musters include a parade and concert performances followed by an informal musical jam session. Larger musters can feature up to 60 participating drum corps.
Stony Creek, CT
Assemble at Company 5 firehouse at 1 PM.
45 N Main St, Branford, CT 06405, USA
Stony creek to play at the firehouse
Barre, MA
Starting Point: Barre Post Office (approx. 500 South Street)
© 2022 Stony Creek Fife & Drum Corps